Neuron Water Detector

Neuron Wireless Water Detector alerts when water is applied to the sensor element. The sensor is fitted with a 50 cm water detection tape with adhesive for easy fastening. Integrated battery ensures up to 10 years of battery life. All measurements are easily accessible from web, app or API.
General Description
When exposed to water the conductivity of the detection tape changes.

The Neuron Water Detector measure the resistance in the detection tape, and outputs a value proportional to the exposure of water.

Due to wireless transmission of the signal, it is also easy and timesaving to install.

Standard delivery with 50 cm detection tape. The sensor can be delivered with up to 50 meter detection tape.

Principle of Operation
The Neuron Water Detector measures the resistance in the detection tape every 3 seconds.

If the sensor detects a change in water exposure of more than 2% of measurement range since the last transmission, the sensor reports immediately. Otherwise, it reports every 2 minutes.

Long life battery – up to 10 years lifetime
Continuous measurement and instant alarm
Adjustment of parameters such as measurement frequency on request
Define your own alarm levels in the Neuron app
Receive alerts as push notifications, emails or SMS
Easily connect the sensor to the system with the QR- code on the sensor. Ensures immediate and accurate registration in the app on your phone/PC/tablet
The sensor transmits data to your nearby Neuron Gateway which then again communicates with the Neuron Cloud

Typical Applications
Technical room
Under the kitchen sink
Underneath equipment connected to water

Measuring Range:
0 – 100%

Measuring Frequency:
Every 3 sec

Report Frequency:
Every 2 min. Or immediately after measurement if trigger for critical data transmission is reached

Expected Operating Time*:
Up to 10 years

*Depends on measurement frequency, amount of critical data transmissions
and ambient temperature

GIAS Italia s.r.l.

Via Carlo Goldoni 29/A
20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI)
(+39) 02
(+39) 02 32.84.980
(+39) 02
(+39) 331 22.03.470

Dati societari

Partita IVA IT05413120964
REA MI 1820326
Cap. Soc.10.000 € i.v.

Orari di apertura

Dal Lunedì al Giovedì:
8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00

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