Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is an approach that uses advanced technologies, such as sensors and data analysis, to monitor the condition of equipment and predict failures before they occur. Thanks to this method, companies can optimize intervention times, reduce costs, and improve the reliability of their systems by intervening only when necessary, rather than on a scheduled basis.

GIAS Italia s.r.l.

Via Carlo Goldoni 29/A
20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI)
(+39) 02
(+39) 02 32.84.980
(+39) 02
(+39) 331 22.03.470

Company data

VAT number IT05413120964
REA MI 1820326
Share capital 10,000 € f.p.

Opening hours

From Monday to Thursday:
8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00

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