Temperature Sensors

Our miniature, ultra-sensitive temperature sensors are based on semiconductor technology.

The sensors can be easily applied to any interface or device and connected to any electronics directly or within a quarter bridge circuit due to their high output signal.


High sensitivity (100 times a PT-100 element).

Very fast response: reaction time of 2 ms for a temperature change of 100 ° C.

Linearity over a wide temperature range.

Any size, from 0.45mm to 6mm.

High resistance / very low energy consumption.

Stability and long life.

Semiconductor strain gauges available in different shapes (bar, U, M, etc.).

Using our miniature, ultra-sensitive semiconductor temperature elements, we can build any type of temperature sensor with 100 times greater sensitivity than a standard sensor (PT-100) and much lower power consumption.

GIAS Italia s.r.l.

Via Carlo Goldoni 29/A
20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI)

(+39) 02
(+39) 02 32.84.980
(+39) 02

Company data

VAT number IT05413120964
REA MI 1820326
Share capital 10,000 € f.p.

Opening hours

From Monday to Thursday:
8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00

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