Neuron Cellular Gateway Mounting kit

To achieve the best possible signal strength between gateway and sensor the gateway should be mounted with some distance to nearby walls and other constructions. The mounting kit ensures easy installation with necessary distance. Comes with all necessary parts, and all parts are in stainless steel.

GIAS Italia s.r.l.

Via Carlo Goldoni 29/A
20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI)
(+39) 02
(+39) 02 32.84.980
(+39) 02

Company data

VAT number IT05413120964
REA MI 1820326
Share capital 10,000 € f.p.

Opening hours

From Monday to Thursday:
8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

8.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00

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